We were able to get the extraction scan halfway done before enemies even made it in the room. If you have c foam you can close the door behind you and c foam it After that it's a quick run to the extraction zone. There's one zone door you need all 4 to scan on. Once the door is open, proceed through and largely ignore the enemies. We used the glowstick prox ones because it's easy to stand next to them on this mission. Anything that speeds up bioscan speed is super useful here. Just set up shop at the backend of the room (the way you need to leave) and hold out. All I'll say is that you need to stun it via heavy fire (I used the machine gun) when it's coming for you or you'll have a bad time.

The last bit is a very slow room wide scan with a new secret enemy I won't spoil. Once you have all nine, clean up awake enemies and start scavenging everything else as the enemies stop spawning. Also designate a "last man" so that they are last through the door and close it behind you guys buying a few seconds. Once you know where all 9 are its time for one final run to grab them as quickly as possible. Unless you get lucky you need to start memorizing where the glp canisters are as you collect them. Both sets of 3 zones will have 3 glp in each zone. Pick your favorite door as it doesn't matter. Once you get through that s scan you'll have two routes you can take with your 4 cells.

If no one on your team is good at killing scouts without using c-foam someone needs to learn. We all can't help it but feel like we are missing something very crucial that would help us clear the scan, since everytime we try it we fail so dramatically that it never feels like we stood a chance from the begining.Īs others have said, there's a terminal to clear the fog. The big guys always get us eventually, striking from the fog where we can't see them well enough to kill them (we gave the bot the biotracker so we have at least a vague idea of where they are). We always fail at the first big security scan, the S-alarm infront of a staircase that leads down into dense fog. We normally have no problems clearing most levels down to D and struggeling with a level is completly fine, but C1 really let's us doubt our abilities in this game. I know a lot of people struggle with this level and have asked for advise here, but I haven't seen a post regarding the first security scan of the level. As the title already indicates, me and my friends are in desperate need of some advise concerning C1.