Changed ‘Nine Lives’ perk to also clear any damage over time effects (e.g.Added ‘-nohwcursor’ command line option for people experiencing issues with their mouse cursors.Added better and up-to-date tutorial videos.

Added ‘enter’ cursor to display over locations that can be entered on the world map, like friendly settlements.Added tavern rumors about situations of nearby settlements, including some hinting at the presence of particular beasts, as well as rumors specific to each of the late game crises, and reduced chance of pure flavor rumors slightly.Added tooltips explaining in more detail beforehand what is expected of the player, and what the expected rewards are, when choosing between ambitions.Added a line to the tooltip of any items used in crafting to inform you of this fact, as to better differentiate between crafting and loot items, if the Beasts & Exploration DLC is installed.Added treasure items selling for full value as possible loot for all beasts, old and new, in order to make fighting them a more profitable endeavour.Added toggleable highlighting of any tiles blocked by environmental objects (such as trees) in combat via button and hotkey.Added exploration mode, allowing you to start with an entirely undiscovered map.Locations may have fortifications like walls and palisades, which you’ll be informed about in a location’s tooltip and the engage dialog. Attacking a bandit camp will now have that camp appear in combat, and likewise will a graveyard or some ruins. Added combat environments reflecting locations where battles take place.Added a new player banner as a thank you for your continued support.Make sure to remove them, as otherwise the game may not work correctly or crash outright. Note that most mods will not work anymore until they’ve been updated by their authors to work with the new version of Battle Brothers. You may continue your current campaign, but if you do, expect some glitches. Steam should now update Battle Brothers, and once done, you’re ready to go. Navigate to the ‘Betas’ tab and select the ‘1.3.x’ branch from the dropdown menu. Find Battle Brothers in your Steam library, right-click it and select ‘Properties’. If you’d like to continue your current campaign with the previous version of Battle Brothers, or continue to play it altogether without the DLC, you can do so as well. You can get it on Steam, GOGor Humble Store. Note that all of this is in addition to the many things brought by the ‘Blazing Deserts’ DLC. Below you’ll find a list explaining the most important additions, changes and fixes. With the ‘Blazing Deserts’ DLC comes a big free update that improves the game in many aspects.